Relatie met jezelf

Ik kan jou helpen om meer rust en ruimte voor jezelf te creëren. Samen kijken wij welke patronen en coping-mechanismes jij hebt en hoe je die kan doorbreken, hoe jij grenzen kan stellen én jezelf meer liefde kan geven.
Meer rust
Meer ruimte

Lief zijn voor jezelf

Being kind to yourself is crucial for your happiness. But without even realizing it, your relationship with yourself might have gotten strained. Being kind to yourself is probably a low-priority bulletin on your to-do list. You just go on and on, every day. You are so stuck in the daily structure, with your job, your love life, your family, that you are losing the connection to yourself. Maybe you feel tired all the time or annoyed. You notice you keep getting stuck at work, struggling to cope. You don’t feel comfortable in your own skin, but you don’t know why.

Waarvoor kan bij mij terecht?

I can coach you through anything you are struggling with both mentally and emotionally. For example:

Do you often feel scared, even in harmless situations? Do you sometimes wake up in the morning feeling anxious? Lie awake at night because you can’t stop thinking? Do you try to avoid certain situations? Do you often feel irritable or restless?

Do you often feel depressed? Do you experience negative thoughts? Is it getting harder to enjoy life? Are you less interested in everything you do? Do you feel listless and tired? Are you having trouble sleeping, or are you sleeping way too much? Do you find it hard to concentrate?

Do you have very little confidence? Do you often think yourself incapable in certain situations? Do you feel like you are worth less than others? Are you harsher on yourself than anyone else? Are you struggling with negative thoughts about yourself?

I can also help you with specific problems like stress, addiction, ADHD, neuroses, PTSD, burn-out, loss (mourning), and mood swings.