
In onze sessies leer jij dus niet alleen jezelf beter kennen, maar ook jouw verbindingen met andere mensen. Tijdens het traject leer ik jou verschillende manieren aan om met jouw specifieke uitdagingen om te gaan. Die lessen neem jij je leven lang mee.

1:1 coaching
Persoonlijke ontwikkeling

Wie kan bij mij terecht?

Everyone who wants to get a better handle on his or her emotions or certain changes in their life.

Heb jij soms het gevoel dat je vastloopt in het dagelijks leven?

Lijd jij onder jouw negatieve gedachten en wil jij graag positiever in het leven staan?

Wil jij graag aan de wensen van anderen voldoen, maar loop jij jezelf daardoor voorbij?

Heb jij geen idee meer waar jouw eigen grenzen liggen, waardoor jij jezelf emotioneel en lichamelijk uitput?

Waarmee kan ik jou helpen?

No matter where you were born, how educated you are, or what kind of work you do: everyone develops certain patterns and coping mechanisms during their lifetime. They influence how you handle both positive and negative situations in life, as a way of survival. The problem is that not all of these are good for you. Sometimes you need some help to learn to be kind to yourself again. I can help you with that.

I can help you with this, by coaching you in recognizing your patterns and breaking free from them. I have experience with coaching children, teenagers and adults–both male and female. I can be of great support for your business as well, by coaching your team towards a positive work environment.

This centers around everything you struggle with mentally and emotionally: an important life event or diagnosis, certain relationships in your life, a recurring pattern that influences your behavior or an emotional state that is in the way of your happiness. Together we will regain control over your thoughts and feelings.

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Sometimes you struggle with a specific relationship in your life: a parent or child, your partner, a family member, or your employer. Because the connections we forge with others are an important part of our life, a strained relationship can seriously impact your wellbeing. I can help you with that, in the form of mediation.

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Emotie & gevoelens

People often use the words ‘feelings’ and ‘emotions’ interchangeably, but they are actually two different concepts. Emotions motivate you to pursue an action. They are more intense than feelings, but do not last as long. Feelings come from the verb ‘feeling’ and refer to a (usually more long term) mood. They are the result of emotions.

Emotions are very human and should not be suppressed, even if modern-day society sometimes makes us feel like we should. Learning how they work will strengthen your emotional intelligence and not only in the way you interact with yourself but with others as well. Eventually, this also helps improve our mental health.

The question is: how do you handle your feelings? Common triggers can be changes in your professional environment, a sense of loss (or mourning), romantic issues, family conflicts or a difficult relationship with your child. Every person has his or her own coping mechanisms, and they aren’t always healthy. Examples can be drinking more, working harder or excessive ways of working out. Your coping mechanisms can often provide you with some short-term distraction from your problems, but they will never solve them.

They are survival mechanisms: you fight, you run, or you hide. They help you get through the moment, but nothing really changes. The possibility of change only comes through saying goodbye to your old ways and no longer choosing to take the easy road.

Sometimes you can lose yourself in negative thoughts. With cognitive behavioral therapy, we can transform these into positive thoughts. Because what you think greatly influences your behavior and your feelings. Cognitive behavioral therapy can help you regulate your emotions and change your behavior.

We will work together in therapy to analyze your emotions and discover your own coping mechanisms. We will find out why you do the things that you do, and try to uncover the hiddens patterns that often stem from your childhood. Some of the issues you are struggling with, might originate in your family system. The dynamics between you and your parents (or other family members) might explain your difficulties connecting with others.

In our sessions, you will not only get to know yourself better but also your connections to other people as well. The relationships in your life are often at the center of the issues you are struggling with. In our journey together, I will teach you different ways of dealing with your challenges. These lessons will help you for the rest of your life.

Meertalige online en F2F coaching

You can talk to me in Dutch, English, Spanish, or Papiamentu. You are welcome to see me in my practice, but online sessions are also available.

Wat beloof ik jou?

I can guide your personal development journey or strengthen your relationships with others. I will help you uncover your personal patterns.

You can always count on a unique, personalized treatment plan, which centers around you. That is why I do not offer one-size-fits-all packages with a set number of therapy sessions. We will draw up your treatment plan together based on your wishes and needs.

We will set your goals and the focus of your journey together. We draw up the treatment plan together. You will always know what we are doing and where we are heading, every step of the way.

As a therapist I am bound by confidentiality. This means that nothing you tell me during our sessions together will ever leave my practice. What you confide in me, will always be safe with me.

I can teach you tools and techniques to help you with your specific issues, as long as they work for you. Relaxation or breathing exercises might help you, but if you do not feel comfortable with them, I will help you find different tools.

Are you ready to uncover your specific patterns and let me help you break free from them?