Over mij

Mijn naam is Jacklin ten Hoope en ik kan jou helpen om patronen te doorbreken waarvan jij zelf misschien niet eens beseft dat ze jou in de weg staan. Dat weet ik, omdat ik er zélf tegenaan ben gelopen.

1:1 coaching
Persoonlijke ontwikkeling
My name is Jacklin ten Hoope, and I can help you break free from patterns that you might not even realize are holding you back. I know this because I’ve suffered from it myself. As a coach, I can help you get to know yourself better and help you recognize the patterns that are blocking you. My passion for traveling has taught me that no matter where you are in the world, your patterns and feelings always travel with you. You cannot escape them, no matter how hard you try. It took me a while to discover that I developed some patterns during my childhood that I never really noticed. I was lucky enough to find a good coach who gave me this insight and helped me finally break free of the patterns. And that is exactly what I want you to have as well. My biggest strength is that I can build trust quite fast, which is crucial for diving deep into your patterns. Humor is very important to me. I am a social, extroverted, and open person who listens to your story and does anything to make you feel comfortable. Anything you tell me is safe with me.

I grew up in The Netherlands but spread my wings from there across the world. I love traveling and experiencing different cultures. I lived in Aruba for two years and am now settled in Bonaire. I can speak Dutch, English, Spanish or Papiamentu. You are welcome to see me in my practice, but online sessions are possible too.

I worked as a social therapist and a corporate social worker and have an additional 20 years of experience in psychiatric wards. I have been trained in SRH methodology (Systematic Rehabilitation Oriented Action) for people with psychological and social vulnerabilities. Here, the process of recovering and developing is centered around one’s strengths. Some of these methods can be applied outside of the psychiatric domain by anyone who wants to use his or her strengths better. I use these basic elements in every treatment plan.

Mijn visie

Just like how plants and trees grow when you care for them, self-love grows when you give it enough attention. A meaningful and happy life starts with being kind to yourself. In my practice, we will go on a journey together to find your strengths, so we can break your patterns and work on recovery.

Dus wil jij:

Meer rust in jouw hoofd krijgen?

Sterker in jouw schoenen staan?

Weten waar jouw kracht ligt?

Positiever denken?

Lief kunnen zijn voor jezelf?

Op jouw manier jouw leven leiden?

Uit jouw patronen losbreken?